Dealing with Separation

Dealing with separation issues can be hard on people of all ages. Huggs To Go™ is dedicated to helping children cope with being away from their loved ones for short and long periods of time. But our HUGGEEMISSYOU photo dolls aren’t just for kids. Noted child psychologist Dr. Pesner says that HMY is an invaluable tool in helping with all issues with separation anxiety in adults and children of any age. That’s because dealing with separation is a life-long issue. The HMY doll can help ease the pain caused by:

• Moving to a new home
• Starting at a new school
• Entering an assisted living facility
• Military deployment
• Hospital stays
• Long vacations
• Loss of a loved one

Helping Children Cope with Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety in adults and children is a problem, but Huggs To Go™ can help. Our photo dolls can be personalized with recordable messages, to help everyone – from ages 8 months to 80 years – deal more easily with being apart from their loved ones. And when it comes to helping children cope, we’ve got the testimonials to back us up – because everyone needs a Hugg, right?

What kind of Huggee are you? Our photo dolls have helped thousands of anxious kids – and parents – deal with the pain of being separated. Huggs To Go™ can help ease the burden of separation anxiety in adults, too. For more information about shipping our dolls across the nation or across the sea, CONTACT US today!